October 2023 News

Lonny Flack has written a 2nd (new) installment to his article in the HSS Cattle Viewpoints section on “A Shorthorn Heritage”, relating incidents about “how it used to be” in the 1960’s when he started raising Shorthorns. Many of you know Lonny who is an entertaining story teller.

Some additional interesting pictures and “old-time” ads have been added to the “Pictures From the Past” Page.

HSS is very focused on promoting Heritage Shorthorns by paying for ads in a variety of journals and magazines from one year to the next, to reach the widest number of people who may be interested owning Heritage Shorthorns.

There is a new ad in the Oct./Nov. 2023 issue of the Canadian Shorthorn Report (see copy below).

HSS has also paid for an ad in the latest (October) issue of Small Farmer’s Journal, which is similar to the one in their August issue.

Check out the HSS website Calf of the Month Page to see the most recently featured calf out of a well-known Heritage Bull.